Build This Site

The reasons I abandon my oringinal ghost blog are the slowness (for poor connection of my university) and the capacitance limitaion of OpenShift.

After messing around with Github Pages and Jekyll for a whole day, I finally found the amazing Hexo.

So here is what I have done to make this site available.

Jekyll Attempt

First, I used Jekyll to build my site.

But later I found it somehow hard to handle. Here are few reasons,

  • It’s hard to switch themes.
  • It’s written in Ruby, which I have little knowledge of.
  • Though Jekyll has built-in syntax highlighting, it doesn’t support Markdown style codeblocks. And the Github-Pages has limited the gem plugins, so I can’t use kramdown with coderay either.
  • I don’t like Liquid, and prefer to use mere Markdown for better portability.

Though after some google work, I found Google Code Prettify and make it work with Markdown. But the whole process are just painful to me, I hate it.


So I turned to Hexo.

Like Jekyll, Hexo is a static website generator, but written in Node.js. So it’s faster and simpler.

It’s much easier to switch themes in Hexo, and I choosed Light theme designed by the Hexo author.

Howerver when I choose the theme, I encountered some problems. Though I changed the theme in config.yml, when I hexo generate, hexo won’t generate new css file. It seems that the generate will cache the css file.

Solutions are simple, run hexo clean, and then hexo generate. That will clear the cache and generate grand new files for you.

And now, Let’s say a colorful hello to the world.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])

printf("Hello world!");
return 0;

Nevertheless, this site is still under construction. I’ll enhance categories and tags functionalities. But I suppose, it should fit my bisic needs currently.