The 11th Week of GSoC

Wow it’s almost close to the end of this years GSoC. So many exciting experiences, and new knowledge learnt.

The OAuth

Anyway, I’ve been working on the OAuth and the RESTful APIs this week. Yes, we used the OAuth 2.0 to achieve SSO service. As it is a widely-used protocol, it will be more easy for us to implement authorization logic for other OpenMRS apps.

And also we plan to build a OAuth based RESTful API system. So we can open the access to the OpenMRS ID, however, we have very very very little information to share. But maybe in the future the Dashboard will have more information, and become a central data storage system. Apps can store the user related information in Dashboard, and let others to access.

Well, that’s only my own vision about the far future.

So, summarize briefly as usual!

What I Have Done

  1. Perfected the patch for ID-48, and learnt something new about the Mongoose.
  2. Learnt the OAuth 2.0 a bit, and began to refactor the OAuth module with Mongoose.
  3. Built the very prototype of the REST module.


  1. Complete the refactoring work of OAuth.
  2. Record my final presentation.